Month: January 2020

Bunyoro History is being erased from Curriculum                          Sign the Petition

“The History of Bunyoro Kitara can not just be erased”!

Bunyoro Kitara Development Association – UK (BKDA) calls for immediate revision of the new History Curriculum for lower Secondary Education.

The Executive Committee of Bunyoro Kitara Development Association (UK) has responded with concern about the new History Curriculum for lower secondary education which was recently launched by the Ministry of Education.   The Committee noted that the Curriculum excludes the study of the History of the Great Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom.

BKDA’s Education Lead said “A look at the Curriculum clearly indicates that it is defective in that it leaves a huge gap in the students’ history knowledge base and thereby denies Ugandans the right to be fully educated about their rich history”.

“it is impossible to meaningfully teach the history of Uganda while deliberately excluding the centuries old history of Bunyoro Kitara and its peoples”

As BKDA We contend that an informed citizenry is a strong foundation for patriotism and nation building; and for the people of Bunyoro Kitara this will be seen as yet another attempt to erase their history and identity from the map of Uganda!.

Many Ugandans across generations have benefited from and have been inspired by the study of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom and excluding it from the foundation stage of secondary education will mean that generations of future Ugandans will be left uninformed.

We call upon the National Curriculum Development centre to immediately issue a revision to the curriculum and reinstate the study of the history of Bunyoro Kitara.

About BKDA,

Founded in 1992 Bunyoro Kitara Development Association is a UK based NGO that exists to promote the culture and Development of Bunyoro Kitara.

For more information, press only:

Hadija Kisembo Mbabazi,

Chair person – Bunyoro Kitara Development Association (UK)

133-133A, 2nd Royal Sovereign House,

40 Beresford St,


London SE18 6BF

Phone: 07497 324825


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